Friday, February 13, 2009

Why I have to side with the American Family Association

(Originally posted on 2/12/09 on Facebook)

For those of you who receive updates from the Human Rights Campaign (or maybe the few of my friends who possibly received an e-mail from the AFA), you are well aware of an e-mail distributed on the afternoon of 2/11. This letter encouraged all those who support equality for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered Americans to protest the airing of a show filmed by the American Family Association on their perception of the "gay agenda." This hour long show was to be shown on WoodTV-8 out of Grand Rapids. I have not watched this show yet (although, it is available on, however, according to HRC, it is "hateful" and hosted by "Janet Parshall, who in 2006 suggested Matthew Shepard's lifestyle was responsible for his murder and called gay adoption 'state-sanctioned child abuse.'" There is no doubt I find those statements hurtful and frankly false.

The program spends the majority of the time discussing how hate-crime legislation will diminish the freedom of speech of Christians and threaten their lifestyle. The HRC has dismissed this as untrue and the perpetuation of fear-inducing lies. As a libertarian, I'm weary of the mere idea of hate-crime legislation, and will save that for another day.

But about an hour after HRC put WoodTV-8 on their "watch list," their phones were bombarded with calls and e-mails from all over the country demanding the station not air the show. WoodTV then backed out of the offer it had made with the AFA.

Now, I believe the AFA should air their show for one primary reason. This being that unfettered discourse is the only way to truth and understanding, and necessary for a free and civil society. If this AFA program is as outrageous and hateful as HRC claims, this will do no harm to the fight for GLBT equality. It will serve as a rallying call to the few anti-gay extremists, and turn the more moderate population away from these radical views. Also, who would know how much discussion this would spur in publications throughout the state and country; leading to dissemination of information to more than just the individuals who watched and/or protested the show.

Additionally, the massive response from the GLBT population and their allies only proves that the free speech of Christians is legitimately threatened. The HRC was completely contradicting one of its own points for why the show should not be aired. Frankly, as a gay, conservative-libertarian Christian I have a personal investment in both equality under the law and the right to practice, discuss, and lead others to the Christian faith.

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